Does Low Potassium Level In The Body Affect Sexual Arousal And Does It Cause The Hands To Cramp Or Draw And Muscles To Not Work?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Condition of low potassium levels in blood is called hypokalemia. This condition causes many problems like palpitations, constipation, nausea, vomiting, paralysis, muscles weakness, muscle cramps, abdominal cramps, cardiac problems, and respiratory failure etc. As, potassium deficiency causes muscle weakness and pain, your problem can be due to hypokalemia but there are many conditions which cause sexual and muscular problems. So, if you are suspecting hypokalemia then visit a doctor for differential diagnosis and proper treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Since suffering a major health issue six years ago, I have had serious neuropathy that causes pain in my abdomen and legs.  It has seriously affected my ability to be intimate since I've lost feeling "down there" and even if I had feeling, I doubt it would matter since there has been no desire anyway.  Earlier this year, I started having really bad heart palpitations and I was having muscle cramps every day.  My leg, hand or feet would draw up into cramped positions and they would hurt like crazy until I could get the cramp to release.

Finally, my doctor tested my potassium levels and put me on 20 mq per day.  Not only have the cramps stopped and the heart palpitations have stopped, but for the first time in six years, I actually have felt physical desire in a sexual sense.

We know that Potassium helps regulate the electrical mechanisms in your body, which is why it is so important for your heart function.  If you don't have those electrical signals firing correctly, it could cause your heart to stop.  I think these same electrical signals must also affect your sexual drive, though.  It has made a world of difference for me - and my husband.  :)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It does cause hands to cramp and muscles to draw but I am not sure about the sexual consequences. Larry Mills

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