This severe eating disorder causes people to refuse to eat while denying that their behavior and appearance are unusual. A. Bulimia B. Purging C. Anorexia Nervosa D. Binging?


2 Answers

Alex Wheeler Profile
Alex Wheeler answered
Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological eating disorder that causes people to refuse to eat, and deny that their behavior and appearance are unusual.

Anorexia Nervosa was first recorded in the 16th century but definitions, diagnoses and prognoses have changed constantly since, as with most psychological disorders. People with Anorexia Nervosa are characterized by dramatic and sudden weight loss and an obsession with food and calories. They will often have a self perception of being overweight, in spite of being dangerously underweight, and will diet constantly to lose more.

Some will begin purging, either with medical aids, or simply by forcing themselves to vomit after eating, either in an attempt to avoid taking on calories, or through guilt. Excessive vomiting is very unhealthy. Anorexics may also develop lanugo, a soft hair that grows over the body and face, due to their weight.

Anorexics are often completely convinced that they are overweight. A good doctor will always engage the sufferer in therapy to try to determine the psychological cause of the condition, as without knowledge of this, it will be very hard to get them to see themselves clearly.

As with most known psychological disorders, there is much argument about the actual cause of Anorexia Nervosa. Some believe it is due to chemical imbalances in the brain, a sort of genetic defect that some people are born with, whilst others believe that it is the result of a person's life experiences. This is known as the nature versus nurture debate.

It is widely accepted that a measured approach that considers both of these theories is the best way to help a patient, so doctors often treat psychological illness with a combination of counseling therapy and medicinal drugs.

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