I have had urinary tract infections before and that sounds like what it feels like when it starts. If you go to the doctor make you pee in a cup and about fifteen minutes later they tell you if that is it. If it is they will give you some antibiotics.
After I Urinate, I Have A Really Weird Feeling That Doesn't Go Away. It Feels Like I Have To Keep Going To The Bathroom. Why?
It is nothing. Happens to me too all the time. It seems to be some kind of blockage which goes away in approximately 15-20 mins. Till then it gets real irritating. There is a solution to this. It wont go away immediately but it will go away fast. Press the lower end of your penis. Also have a lot of water. It happens due to dehydration. Or because blockage due to sperm. If the problem stays for an hour or so then I think you must go to the doc.