My Son Had A Throat Culture Done And It Came Back Positive For MRSA. What Is The Treatment?


2 Answers

Robin Burden Profile
Robin Burden answered
Antibiotics are usually used to treat MRSA infection, although a very important part of treatment will also be decolonization of the bacteria.

Treatment of MRSA in throat
MRSA is a bacteria that usually lives harmlessly in our nose and on our skin.

However, transmission of this bacteria to other parts of the body or the bloodstream can have serious consequences.

If your son's throat culture has tested positive for MRSA, I'd suggest arranging a course of antibiotics with your doctor.

MRSA is a particularly resistant infection, so it is likely that treatment might require hospitalization.

There are also many different strains of the bacteria, so getting medical advice is imperative.

How to prevent MRSA from spreading Because it can be highly contagious, there are several precautions you should be taking when it comes to MRSA.

Hygiene is the key to winning the battle, and using Chlorhexidine and hot running water to wash your hands regularly is an effective way to prevent infection.

There are a number of different creams, nasal sprays, and hand-gels that can help stop the spread of MRSA - but is important that everyone in your household sticks to this regime.

Otherwise, even if your son recovers from infection, he stands a chance of reacquiring it from someone else in the house if they are not taking the correct steps to kick the bacteria out.

As with any health-related issue, the best source of information is your family doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If your son is having throat infection symptoms due to MRSA, then it can be treated by use of an antibiotics shot like vancomycin for 1-14 days (depending upon severity of the infection).

MRSA are bacteria which are usually present on our skin and nasal passage without causing any harm, but they can cause infection on skin whenever skin has been cut, burned or wounded.

If MRSA enters the bloodstream, then it can cause systemic infection.

So, visit a doctor for proper treatment!

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