How can you lower high cholesterol, without medication, if it's due to an inherited, faulty gene, and not entirely down to lifestyle?


1 Answers

Sara Lewis Profile
Sara Lewis answered

An inherited gene may be the reason that you have high cholesterol, but it does not mean that your lifestyle choices will not have an effect on it. 

There are lots of things that you can do which will help to naturally lower your cholesterol levels and help prevent heart disease.

Eat well - avoid foods that are naturally high in cholesterol such as butter, biscuits, fatty meats like corned beef, fried chicken etc. 

There are plenty of foods that are cholesterol free, and some spreads like Flora Pro-Active that contain plant sterols that can actively help to lower the levels in your body.

Exercise - a vital part of any healthy lifestyle, you should try to do at least 30 mins of moderate exercise on five or more days a week.

Avoid - smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and salt.

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