I'm usually asleep within minutes of hitting the pillow, unless the dog wants to play. It's hard to sleep with a dog laying on your face.
Not easy at all. I've been suffering from insomnia for the last 15 years and it hasn't gotten any better.
Falling asleep is no problem, staying asleep is harder
Yes, in between the 20 visits to the toilet.
Pretty easy for me ! I usually lay in bed for at least an hour reading till I get sleepy and then I'm out !
Some nights easy, some nights uneasy!
My most problem would be the way i have a hard time to reach the bed! I want to sleep then i get distracted, this and that! Middle of the night! And i find myself awake like hours! Almost morning then! The funny thing is i gave sleeping advise to thousand of people which many of them worked for them, but i'm still fighting for my own situation!
i have some good prescription drugs so i fall asleep fast
No. I have an awful time falling asleep. Always have, My mind just doesn't want to shut down. When it gets bad I will use something to help. Either herbal tea like Nighty-Night or Sleepytime, or prescription the doctor gave me.
no! It's been always like a torture to me since I was a little girl!!!
I don't know why...but I have to be super tired to fall asleep in less than one and a half hour. In contrast, I fall asleep in the early mornings and afternoons so soon!
I sometimes have some stress, or some problems that I can not resolve, then I can't sleep till late at night, but if I have nothing to think of then I fell a sleep quickly, so it depends on my mind and I can't control it.
No.. But then I discovered Melatonine! <3