The retarded people wouldn't be able to understand process what is saying with the text yell sent me the retarded people is limited or uncapable to understand they IQ score is too low sixty nine or below ask psychologist?


8 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I am a psychologist...

And my recommendation is that you get professional medical help immediately! You need help!

5 People thanked the writer.
Jaylene Meech
Jaylene Meech commented
No your not psychologist if you think IQ score of eighty seven is retarded i know psychologist i know psychiatrist i know therapist that give me the definition i text yell it make perfect sense
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Jaylene, you may "know" them but you certainly miss the mark! They need to stop testing your IQ and start treating you for your mental disorders. There are medicines that can help you. I am being honest and sincere here. Please seek medical help and NOT just to see your IQ score!
Jaylene Meech
Jaylene Meech commented
What ever
Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

Jaylene, Do you ever get tired of listening to yourself? You make absolutely no sense.

I’ve always been told.. You Can’t Cure Stupid.. Now I believe it.

6 People thanked the writer.
View all 4 Comments
Jaylene Meech
Jaylene Meech commented
Borderline is slow a person that take longer or long to understand or learn stupid is retarded a person that limited or uncapable to understand or learn ask psychologist
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Jaylene, No... stupid is obsessing over two innocent cousins!
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Toni, you are SPOT ON! Star!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

COUSIN HUMPER is a filthy disgusting perverted devil worshiper he doesn't just have sex with his cousins he has sex with all of his family members his brothers sisters mother and father he also sticks Faygo soda bottles up his butt.    COUSIN HUMPER is a perverted filthy disgusting unintelligent devil worshipping rapist he's also likes bestiality COUSIN HUMPER COUSIN HUMPER COUSIN HUMPER COUSIN HUMPER COUSIN HUMPER COUSIN HUMPER COUSIN HUMPER COUSIN HUMPER COUSIN HUMPER COUSIN HUMPER

Jaylene Meech Profile
Jaylene Meech answered

Psychologist psychiatrist therapist definition slow a person that take longer or long to understand or learn psychologist psychiatrist therapist definition retarded a person that limited or uncapable to understand or learn ask the LORD GOD

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Jaylene, the only person I have seen use the word retarded on this site is you. You obviously have a diminished mental capacity and lack some social graces. You remind me of my brother-in-law who has also has a lower IQ and doesn't quite grasp social etiquette. I am going to suggest what has worked for him. He found a therapist to help navigate social situations. It has helped him get less frustrated when people don't understand what he is trying to say. Please find such a therapist for yourself. It will help you to communicate with others, and help others understand what your point is. Until you get such help, I suggest you avoid posting on Blurtit. It is obviously not the correct forum for you at this time. Good luck and God bless you.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Can you hear the laughter, Jaylene?---or are you also hearing impaired.

Thanks you for providing the laugh of the day.

Dances With  Wolves Profile

Jaylene, listen to the kind people and get a psyche evaluation and please use the word retarded / retardation lightly,  i had a second cousin who lived to be age 60 and he was mentally retarded / mentally challenge and he was also a born again Christian his mother ( My Great Aunt Mary) had him late in life but she raised him to live for God and i know his soul is resting in the hands of Our Father in  Heaven.

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