So you're not "retarded".
That's not even a word they use.
You're still dumber than a door nail, if you think "the LORD GOD" approves your obsession with your cousins.
So you're not "retarded".
That's not even a word they use.
You're still dumber than a door nail, if you think "the LORD GOD" approves your obsession with your cousins.
COUSIN HUMPER you're a disgusting perverted devil worshipping idiot your psychiatrist is lying to you because you're the stupidest idiot I've ever seen on the internet
COUSIN HUMPER is a stupid ignorant devil worshipping moron there's no one on the internet that's as stupid as COUSIN HUMPER he thinks he's clever he thinks he's smart but he's not he's just a big fat retard
COUSIN HUMPER you just proved how retarded you are dead people don't have IQs you're the biggest stupidest retarded devil worshipping COUSIN HUMPER on the internet
COUSIN HUMPER does your as$hole ever get jealous of all the sh*t that comes out of your mouth you're nothing but a stupid retarded devil worshipping idiot do us all a favor and go cut your head off like you promised you would do
Cousin humper go away already!
Literally everything that comes out of your mouth makes absolutely no sense.
Didn't find the answer you were looking for?