Jaylen meech is a filthy pervert and likes to have sex with his cousins he also sticks Faygo soda bottles up his butt. From now on Jaylen Meech will be known as COUSIN HUMPER on blurtit, he worships the devil and practices satanism he says he believes in the Lord God but he's a filthy liar all he wants to do is COUSIN HUMP-------- Jaylen Meech why do you think anyone here cares how long it takes you to learn anyting you're nothing but a stupid COUSIN HUMPING pervert
Why blurtit.com keep lying it takes me longer or long to understand or learn i'm not retarded they have the IQ score of sixty nine or below my IQ score of eighty seven prove it as a fact not opinion?
"Retarded" and low IQ's have nothing to do with sexual predators! No one is interested in your sex life, intelligence, religion, or signs! What we DO care about is the safety of your cousins! I HOPE these girls are not minors! You should be behind bars or in a straight jacket! Seriously! This obsessed behavior is NOT normal behavior! Even if they weren't your cousins! POOR Neshia and Deja! Shame on you Jaylene!
Take your crap somewhere else. We don’t care!
You do disservice to all the other retards who have 87 IQ’s.
It gives us all great comfort to know that you are asexual.
That means you won't attempt to breed and reproduce yourself.