Why i won't cut off my own head or jump in a wood shedder because i'm not retarded my IQ score prove it?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Stupid ignorant devil worshipping COUSIN HUMPER take your IQ and shove it up your butt you're going to burn in hell for having sex with your cousin

               COUSIN HUMPER all that talk you do about your IQ score just proves you're an idiot

               COUSIN HUMPER is lying when he says he doesn't hate retarded people in another post he said he hates retarded people and they don't deserve to live he's a liar liar liar pants on fire

               COUSIN HUMPER you can say whatever all you want it doesn't change the fact that you are stupid liar

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Chainsaw ? Playing on the expressway ?

Tell your adolescent friends who are huddling around your phone peeking at our resonses that all this crap you are typing isn't fun for us. It doesn't amuse us as much as it does for you.

Grow up. Show an ounce of maturity.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

You say you are not "retarded" because your IQ score is above the IQ range of a retarded person.

We here on Blurtit use the word "retarded" to describe anyone who makes little or no sense when he posts a question, answer, or comment.

That's why we refer to you as retarded, and why we will continue to think that way about you---we don't care about what range your IQ falls into or what the technical term is for that score range.

Retarded is an adjective in this case, not a noun.

4 People thanked the writer.
Jaylene Meech
Jaylene Meech commented
What ever
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
I'm glad you finally understand and admit that you are, in fact, "retarded."

That's what saying "what ever" means.

And it's one word, not two words---"whatever."
Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

My daughter has Down Syndrome; and she's the kindest, godliest person I know.  I wouldn't trade her for ten people like you, regardless of your IQ.

3 People thanked the writer.
Jaylene Meech
Jaylene Meech commented
I would ask or want you to do that she is a good person base on how she treat other people i didn't mean that when i said i hate retarded people i dislike retarded people i got a retarded nephew and retarded cousin
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
Janis! Don't forget precious, adorable, sweet and beautiful! Just to name a few more about your daughter! πŸ€—
Janis Haskell
Janis Haskell commented
Thanks Yin! xoxo
Darren Wolfgang Profile
Darren Wolfgang answered

Let this be warning cause this will carry with you in life.  Just watch how you use the word retarded cause i have a cousin who was mentally retarded and he was a born again Christian and this is no lie . Donny was a better man than me.  i loved him with all my heart we weren't close but he lived for God and one thing i can't forget. God was his life , he did stuff to help his mom and dad , he lived with them in the Country  they all would go to church all the time. My Great Aunt and Great Uncle gave him a good life. So please watch how you use that word . I also have a cousin age 43 whose got Cerebral  Palsy he goes everywhere and gets around in power wheelchair so  please watch what you say about people cause i have cousins with special needs. There may be other people out there who have people in their life's with special needs. I rest my case .

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View all 4 Comments
Darren Wolfgang
Darren Wolfgang commented
Jaylene Meech
Jaylene Meech commented
Sorry i need to be more considerate more compassionate i need to treat others with other disabilities the way i want to be treated i need to be nice kind he is in heaven where i want to be someday
Jaylene Meech
Jaylene Meech commented
I don't hate retarded people i just dislike they ways i actually love care about everybody we all the LORD GOD children thats good enough to be love care about by me

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