Home abortions are never a good idea. Rethink your options first and consider not aborting. There are many options after birth such as adoption, assistance etc. Anyway I hate to hear that you are considering abortion since my husband and I have been trying for months now and hearing this breaks my heart. Anyway abortion … Read more
It could be an organism called candida otherwise known as yeast. In the mouth this is called thrush. This can be caused from antibiotic use. Antibiotic sometimes kill the normal flora of the mouth allowing candida to overgrow. If this is the case with you, see your family nurse practitioner to get medicine to treat … Read more
It can be a number of things. The first could be that you have a small splinter or such in your foot causing swelling and pain. Another possibility is that you have a plantar wart. This can cause sever pain when walking. Look in the center of the bump. Are there small pinprick dark sports? … Read more
This is a phenomenon in the medical profession that we can reffered pain. This is because our nerves in our bodies are all connected and depending on the location of the original pain it can travel along these dermatomes "tracks" and this could be responsible for the pain you are feeling in your shoulder blade. … Read more