A sharp stabbing pain in the right shoulder blade area usually indicates an irritation, inflammation or sprain to muscles in that area. It could also point to a trapped or irritated nerve. If the pain is the result of an accident, it may be connected to a so-called separation of the shoulder, or a dislocated or broken shoulder blade.
Which, if any, of these could apply would depend on accompanying symptoms and can only be determined by appropriate tests.
This may sound strange, but it is quite surprising where and how severely trapped gas can hurt. People have been known to be rushed into hospital with suspected heart attacks, only to find that their intense pain was caused by pockets of trapped gas.
- Referred pain
Which, if any, of these could apply would depend on accompanying symptoms and can only be determined by appropriate tests.
- Arthritis, rheumatism and spinal problems
- Other possible causes
This may sound strange, but it is quite surprising where and how severely trapped gas can hurt. People have been known to be rushed into hospital with suspected heart attacks, only to find that their intense pain was caused by pockets of trapped gas.
- Best advice