Shingles? I don't know. It's just a guess
I Have These Weird Red Bumps On My Chest. They Don't Really Itch Or Anything. They Are Just Ugly. What Could It Be?
I have them to and I think its from heat
Ive just got them and I'm using E45 and that seems to be working a bit
I have them also, They are like red for a couple of days then you can squeeze them and puss comes out of it? I have big lumps on my shoulders, and also on my chest, they get really sore if I play with them, I have no idea what they are, If I find out, or find out a cure for them, I will post back on this..
I have those too... There bad on my eck and shoulders and seem to b spreadeign to my stomach... Any cures yett?
I have no medical so can't checc it oput nd I live with well water so I'm thinkin buggs of sum sort. Er paracits. Id liek to get rid of them. There sooo ugly
I have no medical so can't checc it oput nd I live with well water so I'm thinkin buggs of sum sort. Er paracits. Id liek to get rid of them. There sooo ugly
I have them too! I am not quite sure what they are. I have heard that drinking a lot of water, and using rash ointment, and vinegar helps, but I am not sure. But sometimes I have a lot of them and I am really embarrassed of them.