
I Found A Lump On The Lower Part Of My Back On The Right Side The Er Doctor Said It Was A Limpoma Tumor, How Can He Tell What This Is Before Any Test? Its Causing Me To Have Extreme Pain When I Walk, Sit, Lay Down, What Does This Mean?


5 Answers

Danielle Joynson Profile
If your doctor has informed you that you have a lipoma tumor then you must listen to his diagnosis. The fact that he has been able to identify this without doing tests is because these forms of tumor can be moved around beneath the skin and they are very soft.

  • What is a lipoma tumor?
A lipoma is a lump of fat that has formed underneath the skin. They are non-cancerous tumors and are known to be hereditary. They are very soft and can be moved underneath the skin, therefore they can be removed from the body relatively easily.

  • How to deal with it
In some cases people do not choose to have their lipoma removed because a doctor may advise them to leave it alone. This is because in some cases it does not cause any harm and they may be small enough that they do not need to be removed. However, in some cases a lipoma can grow and move deeper into the skin which may cause some pain. In this instance, lipomas can put pressure on various muscles and nerves which will be quite painful and uncomfortable. When this happens it can be harder to remove so it is advised that you see a doctor immediately.

  • Removal methods
Some individuals opt for liposuction to remove the lipoma because there is a much smaller scar left on the body. The downside to this method is that the whole tumor is not likely to have been removed therefore allowing the tumor to regrow. You may be told to have an MRI or biopsy because the tumor is too deep into your muscle tissue.

I must stress that we are not part of an official medical authority so please speak to your doctor for further diagnosis and advice.
jay cee Profile
jay cee answered
A limpoma tumor is nothing to be concerned with unless growing or causing pain. It is not cancer (not to be confused with Lymphoma). If causing extreme pain, may want to remove. Consult your regular physician. I'm not a doctor, just what simple "google" provides.
thanked the writer.
I guess the fact that a close relative is dying from cancer distracted me. With your vast experience on this site and the hundreds of highly rated answers you've provided your rebuke just tears my heart asunder. When you have some time consider Googling the term 'Polite'.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's probably a cyst. Get your doctor to check it. If its very small they may say to do nothing just keep an eye on it. If its sore or pink on the skin then its best removed before it becomes too painful and infected.

I had a small one that doctors kept saying 'just leave it' its only small. I wish it was removed when it was small and no pain. I woke up one day with it swollen and red, doctor tried giving antibiotics but it grew in the next 24 hours and became so painful it was a horrible experience having it removed.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

For 16 years I was told that the lump on my lower right back was fatty tissue/lipoma. Finally I went to a general surgeon where I found that I had been misdiagnosed by many doctors. What I had was a hernia. It is almost unheard especially for females who are young and have always been a healthy weight. The surgeon was able to take care of my hernia and all is well now.

So what's my point? Everybody makes mistakes and all doctors are still learning. If you're worried go to a general surgeon. They will know what to do.

Lymphoma tumors are tumors that have invaded the body's lymph node system. Your doctor probably based his diagnosis on the position of the tumor.

Lymphoma is a pretty serious problem, you need to talk to your Dr. As soon as possible about getting your treatment started. Best of luck and God bless.
thanked the writer.
jay cee
jay cee commented
You've got to be kidding. She said Limpoma not lymphoma. Limpoma tumors are harmless and rarely need treatment unless causing pain or growing. Check things out before giving such a frightening answer.
jay cee
jay cee commented
A limpoma tumor is not cancer (lymphoma). Do a google search and see your doctor if causing severe pain.
jay cee
jay cee commented
Spelled properly, limpoma is lipoma.

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