I am pretty sure I no what it is because I get them all the time. Do you have acne? Well even if you don't it can be a boil. They usually apair under the skin then come up. And that it the spots where I get them. I hope this was some help.
I Found A Hard Lump On The My Lower Right Jaw. It Feels As If It Moves When I Touch It And It Hurts Only A Little When I Touch It. What Could It Be?
Swollen lymph node but get ultrasound to satisfy yourself
That or its due to any dental issues you may have, or skin care issues (ie. If you have oily skin)
but it it feels like its UNDER the skin...then most likely not a skin issue
That or its due to any dental issues you may have, or skin care issues (ie. If you have oily skin)
but it it feels like its UNDER the skin...then most likely not a skin issue
As you are suffering from cold sores which are due to viral infection, it is possible that a lump on your lower right jaw swollen lymph node.Because the cold sores are caused by herpes simplex 1 and affect lips and nostril. Usually these are healed automatically, but some time need treatment.