I am an ophthalmic technichian & have worked in the field for 14 years.
The symptoms you have described could be several things and REMEMBER you should always get a Doctor's opinion before jumping to any conclusions.
In my opinion, it could just be something as simple as a vitreous floater, which is just a piece of the fluid that runs through the eye just floating around. Or A retinal detachment, more serious, and needs medical attention. The sooner you see a DR. The better at least for just piece of mind. You should have a dilated retinal exam to determine what the diagnosis is. Good luck!
The symptoms you have described could be several things and REMEMBER you should always get a Doctor's opinion before jumping to any conclusions.
In my opinion, it could just be something as simple as a vitreous floater, which is just a piece of the fluid that runs through the eye just floating around. Or A retinal detachment, more serious, and needs medical attention. The sooner you see a DR. The better at least for just piece of mind. You should have a dilated retinal exam to determine what the diagnosis is. Good luck!