
Why I Am Feeling Nauseous And Dizzy And Like A Motion Sickness Feeling?


9 Answers

Adam Yare Profile
Adam Yare answered
You could be feeling nauseous and dizzy for a number of reasons. It is always advisable to seek medical advice from a doctor if you are suffering from such symptoms and you have not done anything that may have triggered a sick feeling - such as being drunk the night before.

Many people complain of feeling dizzy and nauseous if they are having problems with their vision. If you have blurred vision or bloodshot eyes, it may be worth booking an appointment with an optician.  You will receive a full eye examination which should determine if you are in need of visual aids or if you have any kind of eye infection or disease.

As stated earlier, it is always best to get checked out by a qualified medical professional if you are worried about your health. Many people take matters into their own hands and conduct their own research on their symptoms via the Internet. This is not recommended as it can actually cause a lot of undue stress and worry. You may find you have many symptoms that match some serious health conditions; however it is highly likely this is just coincidence and you don't have anything serious. Examination by an experienced and qualified professional will give you the greatest peace of mind.
Joan Profile
Joan answered
You nauseous feeling may be due to being dizzy. An inner ear infection can cause you to be dizzy. If the dizzy feeling worsens when you move your head from side to side, I suspect it is the inner ear problem. There are, of course, other reasons that you could be experiencing this problem. I would suggest that you contact your doctor's office and set up an appointment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same feeling, I have been told I might have low blood presure or sugar.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Same thing has happened to me every since I moved from NYC to Houston TX... This is the 4th time it happens to me... I start to feel light headed the night before, then the next day I can't walk straight and very dizzy, then I throw up if I try to stand and walk cause of dizzyness, then it takes about 2-3 days to slowly go away....

I was told by one small clinic doctor one time it was vertigo/ear infection, then I was told by doctor in St Lukes hopital that I was dehydrated/heat this time it happened to me on saturday night, I felt it coming I drank lots of water before I went to bed and the next day I woke up dizzy but not as bad as usual, I have no thrown up and am able to walk around its not as bad.... So...started saturday, its now monday and feel a little dizzyness but I know that tuesday I will wake up fine.... Its weird!!!!! (arnold voice) its not a tuma!!!!! :) I hope not.... The doctor laughed at me and said do you feel pain? Do you have a headache? Then its not a TUMA!
Vicki a.k.a. Bear1948. Profile
If you are female could you be pregnant. There are many other reasons. You may have low blood sugar, may need to eat something, maybe you are coming down with an illness. I would try to eat and drink plenty of fluids and take it easy. If you still have the symptoms after a while maybe go see your doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Am nauseous everyday I get hot flashes help me

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