What Are Some Symptoms Of A Dropped Bladder? What Causes A Bladder To Drop?


5 Answers

Connor Sephton Subber Profile
A woman’s bladder lies just above the vagina. Between them is a wall of muscles and tissues, supporting both bladder and urethea, the tube carrying urine out of the body.

A dropped bladder, a condition known as having a cystocele, is the result of stretching/ weakening of these supporting tissues around the bladder, allowing it to drop or protrude into the vagina.

As the bladder drops, the urethea is stretched. This may subsequently result in a leakage of urine out of the urethea.

This altogether quite unpleasant condition can be caused by a variety of factors, such as:

•Stretching of tissues and muscles during child birth, particularly during a difficult or prolonged period of labour.

•Excessive straining during bowel movements, this is a common cause in woman who are frequently constipated.

•Decreased estrogen, or oestrogen, levels during menopause. Estrogen is a steroid hormone mainly produced by the ovaries and aids in keeping the relevant muscles/tissues strong.

•As a woman reaches the menopause production is reduced. Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT, can help with this and many other effects of the menopause.

•A weakening of the supporting muscles due to the normal aging process.

•Heavy lifting, causing stress on muscles surrounding both vagina and bladder.

The most common symptoms of a dropped bladder are a difficulty in emptying the bladder and stress incontinence, leakages of urine when laughing, sneezing or coughing place pressure onto the bladder.

Other symptoms may include abdominal discomfort, pelvic pain or a sensation of bulging within the vaginal area, as well as a frequent urgency to urinate and difficulties or pain while urinating.

If a dropped bladder is suspected, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Treatments/outcomes depend on the cause and severity of the condition.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I feel the need to urinate all the time even if there's no urine in my bladder I feel pressure in my vagina I can only hold up to 120ml in my bladder before I feel like I am going to burst I have had a bladder pressure test and a camera in and the doctors say everything is ok but I no its not I have had the same feeling for 6 months I feel as if something is dropped or out of line please help
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
My doctor told me this morning that my bladder is drop.what does this mean is thier a cure .
Anonymous commented
I saw my doctor this morning for a pap spear .he told me my bladder is dropped what does this mean is thier a cure .please help ,me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For the last week I never feel like I got to pee till I'm about to bust and when I'm walking it will hit me all of a sudden and I can't hold it, then I pee on my self. I have had 4 vaginal births and my uterus removed in 2003 I have a  at least once a month for last 6 months
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I pee a lot when I cough,run. Sometimes walking,and at work sneezing.. I could go on.

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