One of the symptoms of the disease is that a patient vomits for no obvious reason after eating, in which case they need to consult a doctor and have ultrasound to find out if they have gallstones or if the problem is with their gall bladder itself. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish the pain from other diseases, such as: gastric ulcer, back problems, heart pains, pneumonia and kidney stones.
General symptoms of gallstone disease include upper or lower abdomen pain, vomiting, nausea, low grade fever, pain after eating fattening or greasing foods, diarrhea and lower or upper back pain. A gallbladder patient on eating something greasy can feel extreme pain in the stomach or burning sensation. Another symptom is upper abdomen pain that may extend to the back.
In most cases symptoms of gallstones do not occur gradually and surface in the form of an "attack". Gallstone attacks often occur after fatty meals and during the night. They may last from 30 minutes to several hours.
There are people who have gallstones but have no symptoms. These people are called asymptomatic and such gallstones are called "silent stones." These stones are trouble-free and do not interfere in gallbladder, liver, or pancreas function. Therefore they do not require treatment
General symptoms of gallstone disease include upper or lower abdomen pain, vomiting, nausea, low grade fever, pain after eating fattening or greasing foods, diarrhea and lower or upper back pain. A gallbladder patient on eating something greasy can feel extreme pain in the stomach or burning sensation. Another symptom is upper abdomen pain that may extend to the back.
In most cases symptoms of gallstones do not occur gradually and surface in the form of an "attack". Gallstone attacks often occur after fatty meals and during the night. They may last from 30 minutes to several hours.
There are people who have gallstones but have no symptoms. These people are called asymptomatic and such gallstones are called "silent stones." These stones are trouble-free and do not interfere in gallbladder, liver, or pancreas function. Therefore they do not require treatment