Well evidently you do because you said all that nice stuff about yourself. But when your around people just don't think as if they r only looking at your flaws . Because if you have a nice body flaunt that, instead of worrying about bad things. because whether you notice it or not people are looking at your body mor than your face and you teeth. If if they do, they ain't even worth it. (= <3
I Have No Confidence, Im Very Sexy, Nice Body, Nice Boobs, Alot Of Things A Women Could Only Wish For, But I Got Acne Scars N My Teeth Are A Little Crooked. When Im Out I Think People Are Only Looking At My Flaws. How Do I Build Up My Confidence?
People are all different remember that! Just keep thinking of the positive things of your self!!! Anyways your two negative points are no match for the nice figures you have!