THe Cure for the nasty rotten egg burp. I saw on another blog that baking soda and water mixtures cure these nasty occurrences and since I got the nasty burps this morning, I couldnt wait to go out and try it. I mixed a tablespoon of baking soda in 1 cup of water. I drank it down while standing over the toilet and just like in those volcano science projects, I burped once and threw up immediately after and the foul burps were done with. The baking soda neutralizes the gasses in your stomach (the nasty taste and smell is because of the acid. I suggest you try this an d feel better within 3 mins.
I have the same thing! But mine is due to a bad gallbladder. I have gallstones. But mine started out with me feeling like I was going to have a heart attack. I was vomiting and hurting all in my chest and upper back. Well when I couldn't take it any longer I went to the ER and the found gallstones. I am getting it removed in 5days. But for now I have to deal with the nasty burp that smells like egg!
Certain foods you eat will cause a very bad oder that comes from gases out of your stomach.
I can't tell you why but I can tell you Alka-seltzer will fix it.
Rotten eggs smell burps,..:))
Burps, my friend are intestinal gases that are released through the mouth. You can compare them directly to "fart". And if you didn't know farts and burps contain methane and remote amounts of hydrogen sulfide. These gases are well characterized by the smell of rotten eggs. So if your burp smells like that then that means there is a high content of either hydrogen sulfide or methane in your burp,..:))
JamJam Briones:))
Burps, my friend are intestinal gases that are released through the mouth. You can compare them directly to "fart". And if you didn't know farts and burps contain methane and remote amounts of hydrogen sulfide. These gases are well characterized by the smell of rotten eggs. So if your burp smells like that then that means there is a high content of either hydrogen sulfide or methane in your burp,..:))
JamJam Briones:))
Alka-seltzer will get rid of it (burps.)
Imodium for the other .
Imodium for the other .
Eating rough dough th yeat in the dough expands and makes gad then the gas mixes with stomach acid and make the rotten egg smell and then is push in both direction s up to surp and down causing diarrhea
Eating too much and going staight to sleep. Try digesting before sleep..
Well there can be lots of reasons it some times happens to me it can be an acid reflux, a type of decease, stuff that you ate, digestive disorders etc...... It will most likely go away tomorrow or in a couple of days
Eat a couple antacids that should do the trick
No. You don't need to see a doctor at all.
Just give it time if it doesn't end in about 4-6 days I would suggest seeing a doctor.
Just give it time if it doesn't end in about 4-6 days I would suggest seeing a doctor.
Sounds like food poisoning to me, friend. Next time just remember to drink plenty of water as you will need something to vomit the infected food from your stomach out. You should also suffer from diarhrea.
"Probably because you eat rotten eggs"?!!! Yeah, I'm sure that's the case and the guy never made the connection... It could be from a stomach virus or any number of things.
Hello. Well, probably because you eat rotten eggs, or because you eat eggs. It could also be because you don't brush your teeth!