I think I have anixety. I worry about things I shouldn't worry about. Last night It Felt hard to breathe. I felt sick to my stomach and my mouth dried. I'm scared. Could this be anixety?


2 Answers

Kidddas WG Profile
Kidddas WG answered

go see a doctor or therapist about this

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Barb Cala
Barb Cala commented
olivia bastian
olivia bastian commented
What do you do when you feel good? Maybe you dance around your house a little—I sure do. Likewise, when you’re sad or depressed you may find yourself moving a little more slowly. And by that same token, when you’re anxious your heart rate may race and lead you to become skittish, or have the opposite effect and paralyze you completely. At the end of the day, mood affects movement.

But this relationship is a two-way street. There is plenty of research indicating that your movements can also affect how you think and feel—they can actually change your brain for the better. If you’re feeling down, performing some activity can help bring you back up!

Here’s an example. Say an anxious person notices an increase in their heart rate, which triggers those feelings of worry and anxiety. If they were to engage in aerobic exercises, such as walking, cycling, or jogging, they can reduce their anxiety by building a tolerance to elevated heart rates. That rapid heartbeat mimics the feeling of anxiety, and this effect can also help control the brain’s “fight or flight” reactions to stressful situations.

You can read more about how to deal with such situations here: http://www.doctorshealthpress.com/general-health-articles/physical-activity-anxiety-brain-health
John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

Those are some of the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety can manifest itself differently in different people. Best thing to do is talk with your doctor, explain what's happening, and let him/her determine what your proper diagnosis is.

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