Follow are few diseases due to the consumption of alcohol:
• Cirrhosis of Liver is due to alcohol consumption.
• Cancer of Oesophagus, Cancer of Liver, Cancer of Head and Neck, Cancer of Bowel, etc.
• Heart Attacks, Hypertension and Angina are linked with huge amount of intake of alcohol.
• Fits, Strokes and different types of Paralysis are linked with alcohol consumption.
• Beriberi is very common among alcoholics.
• Delerium Tremens is a very dangerous disease and that may occur due to repeated infection of alcoholics. This disease can become a cause for death.
• Platelet abnormalities and Thrombocytopenia are not uncommon in alcoholics.
• Among chronic drinkers frequent infection is very common. These alcoholics have less resistance power to disease.
• Emphysema, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Lung Abcess and Pneumonia are all common in drinkers.
• The drunker usually vomits due to heavy alcoholic intake; this vomit can often goes to lungs and cause Pneumonia or Lung Abscess which can cause death.
• During pregnancy alcohol use has very harmful effect on the child.
• Angular Stomatitis, Infection around the nails, Nail Dystrophy and skin diseases are common diseases among alcoholics.
By look at above points on can say that Alcohol is a disease itself. So alcohol is the only disease that is available in markets, and is also advertised in magazines TV, companies have licenses to sell this disease in whole world. In some countries it is still banned and in some countries it is being sold underground and in most parts of the world it is available easily.
• Cirrhosis of Liver is due to alcohol consumption.
• Cancer of Oesophagus, Cancer of Liver, Cancer of Head and Neck, Cancer of Bowel, etc.
• Heart Attacks, Hypertension and Angina are linked with huge amount of intake of alcohol.
• Fits, Strokes and different types of Paralysis are linked with alcohol consumption.
• Beriberi is very common among alcoholics.
• Delerium Tremens is a very dangerous disease and that may occur due to repeated infection of alcoholics. This disease can become a cause for death.
• Platelet abnormalities and Thrombocytopenia are not uncommon in alcoholics.
• Among chronic drinkers frequent infection is very common. These alcoholics have less resistance power to disease.
• Emphysema, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Lung Abcess and Pneumonia are all common in drinkers.
• The drunker usually vomits due to heavy alcoholic intake; this vomit can often goes to lungs and cause Pneumonia or Lung Abscess which can cause death.
• During pregnancy alcohol use has very harmful effect on the child.
• Angular Stomatitis, Infection around the nails, Nail Dystrophy and skin diseases are common diseases among alcoholics.
By look at above points on can say that Alcohol is a disease itself. So alcohol is the only disease that is available in markets, and is also advertised in magazines TV, companies have licenses to sell this disease in whole world. In some countries it is still banned and in some countries it is being sold underground and in most parts of the world it is available easily.