
What Is Anaemia?


3 Answers

Mahwash Marcel Profile
Mahwash Marcel answered
One of the most common defects of the blood is anemia, a deficiency in hemoglobin, due to a reduction of red corpuscles or to the quantity of hemoglobin they contain. The result is lack of oxygen in the blood. The person becomes pale because the blood is not so red. He is easily tired due to lack of oxidation in the muscles. He easily becomes short of breath.

There are various causes of anemia. The diet may have had too little iron. There may have been loss of blood from excessive or too frequent menstruation, from the presence of the hook worm in the intestines or from the malaria parasite in the blood. In such cases an increase in iron and copper intake will usually remedy the condition. Exercise stimulates production of red cells through the increased demand of oxygen. If there has been a severe loss of blood from hemorrhage or an operation, a transfusion may be necessary.

In Pernicious anemia, when it was a fatal disease, the red blood cells continue to decrease in number until other symptoms develop and death finally results. It is now controllable as a result of discovery that the red marrow is able to produce red blood cells only in the presence of an 'Anti-anemia' substance. The exact chemical nature of this substance is unknown but it is produced from some element in food by the action of an enzyme in the stomach. It is the absence of this enzyme that causes anemia. Any excess 'anti-anemia' substance formed is stored in the liver. The disease can be controlled either by the addition of liver or liver extract of the diet or by the enzyme itself, obtained from the tissue of the pig's stomach.
Amman Aamir Profile
Amman Aamir answered
Anaemia is a word used to describe many different conditions having to do with disorders of the blood. These conditions exist when the blood does not contain the normal number of red cells, or when the cells do not have the normal amount of haemoglobin.

Anaemia can be caused by poor blood formation, the destruction of cells, or by too much loss of blood. And these conditions, in turn, may be caused by many different body disorders. So when a doctor treats "anaemia", he has to know exactly which type he's dealing with.

One kind of anaemia, for example, can be caused by an injury that results in great loss of blood. Other body fluids seep into the blood to make up the volume, the blood is diluted, and the result may be anaemia.

Another type of anaemia is caused by an increased destruction of red blood cells, which can be the result of several conditions in the body. In some cases it may be inherited, or it may come from a transfusion of blood of the improper type, severe burns, allergies, or leukaemia.

One kind of anaemia many of us know about is nutritional anaemia. The most common and least severe anaemia of this kind develops when
there is not enough iron for the formation of red cells because iron is necessary for the body to manufacture haemoglobin.
Kath Senior Profile
Kath Senior answered

Iron deficiency anaemia is a condition that arises when the body does not take in enough iron in the diet, or it loses large amounts of iron and cannot replace them quickly enough. Circumstances include just after childbirth, after a major operation and after an accident. In very severe situations, the person affected can receive a blood transfusion to counteract the effects of blood loss but a less drastic treatment involves iron supplements.

Symptoms include tiredness, headaches, a feeling of having no energy, paleness and, if the deficiency is very marked, a rising pulse rate.

People with kidney failure, particularly those being treated by dialysis are at high risk of developing iron deficiency anaemia because their damaged kidneys cannot product enough erythropoietin. This hormone is needed by the body to make new red blood cells. Both iron and erythropoietin are lost during kidney dialysis. Treatment involves iron supplements and synthetic erythropoietin.

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