Should Mentally Retarded People Drink Alcohol?


12 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A person that is mentally challenged should not be drinking alcohol at all!
Would you give a little child alcohol?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The real question to me is are there any laws that forbid or limit the sale of alcohol to patrons who are mentally handicapped, or conversely laws that prohibit discrimination, which would in effect make a purveyor liable for not serving a mentally handicapped person alcohol.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is no law in effect that says a person "SHOULD" drink alcohol,  normal people or
mentally retarded people.   Seesee
DudeOf ManyTalents Profile
People who are not mentally retarded are bad enough when drunk. Getting a mentally retarded person drunk is the legal equivalent of playing with live grenades.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I was at a winery and saw a mother giving her profoundly mentally retarded adult son wine.  He looked to have the mental capacity of a toddler.  I don't think it is right at all.  It's like giving wine to a small child.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

please  stop calling these people mentally retarded and really nobody has to drink alcohol ever becuase alcohol really makes people mentally retarded not what comes with them at birth so drinking alcohol is for brain dead teenage boys and dirty old men wanting to drink alcohol to be cool is so immature and maybe those kind of people do not want to drink alcohol and again they are not mentally retarded alcohol is the last thing they need and as for me i never ever want to drink it i would only call myself mentally retarded if i had any desperation for alcohol

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Of course they should. People should drink all the time nonstop I am six years old and an alcoholic. And I have a tattoo. Suck on that!
Alma Holmes Profile
Alma Holmes answered
Most people who are not mentally challenge should not drink alcohol so I would definitely say this would be a big no no.

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