I am so sorry you have to go through this, I had the same experience with my mother in law who I truly loved with cancer, I kept her and took care of her, in the last few weeks of her life she did hallucinate,hospice and doctors told me to prepare , but there is no … Read more
Well I think that is the same love and friendship. All my friends I can say I love so yes friendship is very important to me . I love my friends.
You need to contact a lawyer but usually
they don't on a certain amount and then the lawyer will tell you , sometimes it depends on what the lawsuit was from how it was invested if it was and so on, If you had an attorney in your state that settled that case just call … Read more
I don't but my gosh my daughter every time you see her she has one in her hand I sure wish I could find them cheap I would sell them to her lol! My gosh she thinks she can not go on without her redbull I am sure half her salary is for redbulls personally … Read more
I would guess Catfish I think people would prefer that instead of Bear
I agree this meaning is that you remember and miss them so much it is something that you will never ever get over. I also have those dreams sometimes about my mother in law, she had such an impact on my life that I was totally devastated by her passing, I also felt she came … Read more
Call the jail where he was incarcerated at they will let you know if he is still there or if he has been transferred.
You usually have to sign up for online checking from your bank. Maybe not it all depends which bank you have ,you could call the bank and ask or go to the banks website it will let you know how okaY
It means not tonight I have a headache
Well it all depends when you get that lump be careful I heard you have a lump when you are in love lol!
I also have been told if they were a really good breed of dog they will have black at the top of there mouths my baby shih tzdoes

This could also be due to certain medications that you are on I was on one medication Tompax that caused this with me. I was actually admitted to the hospital doctors thinking I had a stroke. It could be medicine, related medical problems, just letting you know I have had that same problem due to … Read more