
What Is Meningitis?


3 Answers

Amman Aamir Profile
Amman Aamir answered
Meningitis is not a single specific disease. It is an inflammation (swelling and soreness) of the meningitis. The meningitis are the membranes (layers of tissue) that cover the brain and spinal cord.
Although many different germs can cause the infection, it is most often caused by the bacteria meningococcal. Meningitis may follow head injuries .and infections, or it may be a complication that comes with such diseases as tuberculosis, whooping cough, pneumonia, influenza, and scarlet fever. In most cases, the bacteria enter the body through the throat. Some
people may carry the bacteria in their throats without becoming sick. These people, called "carriers", help to spread the infection.
Infants and children are more likely to be infected. Every five or ten years there may be an epidemic with many cases of illness.
The germs first grow in the blood, causing fever and chills and usually a red rash on the skin. Soon the germs settle in the meningitis and cause the inflammation. When this happens there is pressure in the head which the patient feels as a severe headache. Next the neck becomes stiff'.
The patient holds his neck as still as possible; any attempt to bend it forward results in great pain.
The patient often becomes confused or even unconscious and vomits. He may have convulsions, twitching, and jerking of the body which he cannot control. In fighting this condition, doctors usually use the "sulpha" drugs and antibiotics. They have cut the death rate of the disease to about 10 per cent. Without treatment, about three quarters of the patients would die.
Mahwash Marcel Profile
Mahwash Marcel answered
The meninges consist of three sheaths covering the brain and spinal cord: the pia, arachnoid and dura mater. Meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) is the most common and important disease affecting the meninges. The infection may be blood borne or local spread.

Types of meningitis are:
--- Pyogenic meningitis: meningococcal meningitis is by far the most common form in the adult, and often occurs in epidemics.
--- Tuberculous meningitis: here the onset may be gradual (over weeks) before the characteristic picture of meningitis occurs. The accumulation of purulent exudates over the base of the brain may affect the emerging cranial nerves.
--- Viral meningitis: this is usually less severe and may occur in epidemics.

The commonest features are headaches, neck stiffness and clouding of consciousness.

--- Onset: This in most cases is quick (hours or days) with the exception of the Tuberculous type. The patient is severely ill with fever.
--- Headache: This is constant and persistent. It comes on early and is associated with vomiting.
--- Altered consciousness: The patient is drowsy and irritable, and often delirious. He resents being touched or disturbed.
--- Neck rigidity: There is a marked stiffness of the neck. The patient lies turned away from the light, as photophobia (dislike of light) is present.
--- Convulsions or fits: These are common, especially in infants.
--- Kernig's signs: This is the resistance met with on attempting to straighten the flexed (bended) knee, as this movement stretches the inflamed meninges, causing pain.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Meningitis is inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, known collectively as the meninges

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