
What Is The Survival Rate For Stage 4 Colon Cancer?


6 Answers

Radtex Profile
Radtex answered
At my urging my husband had a colonoscopy. In 2003 Cancer. I worked in medical field and knew who to choose for his surgery and follow up treatment. After surgery lab confirmed stage 4. It was found in 9 of 13 lymph nodessthat were obtained after bowel resection. We discussed in depth options for treatment and he had my support no matter what he chose. He opted for chemo with the proviso that he could stop at any time if he so chose. He was given a "cocktail" of 4 or 5 drugs. Side effects were not great but he tolerated and I made sure he was eating high calorie loaded with natural sugars and carbs to facilitate the uptake of chemo drugs. Six months of chemo. A lot of positive re-enforcement. Absolutely NO negativity from anyone. He was of course despondent at times his life as he knew it was over. He was a pilot who lived and breathed flying over 20 years inn the military and 15 years civilian flying and he was now permanently grounded. We,family and friends ,surrounded him with positive attitudes,objectives. And a whole lot of humor. Today , eight years later , he remains in REMISSION. We do not use the term "cured" . . We are well aware that since the cancer had entered the lymph system even one cell ( or its offspring) can be lurking anywhere in the body waiting for an oportune time to resurface. It may not happen but one never knows. So here we are. He has had the good fortune to see 3 grandchildren come into this world and watch them grow. He has been here to be supportive of our son who was diagnosed with an unrelated type cancer who had surgery and radiation therapy and is now 4 years in remission. Boils down to indiviual choice, positive attitude and knowing you can have a direct input to your treatment ( people tend to forget that the doctor is following a general protocol that does not take into consideration the indiviual patient. Work together as a team or find another doctor ). Remember you can take a break during treatments to recoup physicaly , mentally, spiritually. You have to be prepared to fight.
Eight years and counting for husband, 4 years and counting for son. We continue to Live, Love and Laugh. And hope your days will be filled with the same whichever you decide.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Less than 7%  of stage iv colon cancer patients will survive to 5 years.  Stage Iv means the cancer has metastasized, or affected the lymph nodes to the degree that other organs of the body are likely affected.  It is no longer only in the colon.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anyone can talk on blurt it you idiots,, you don't have to be a doctor... Ok I said stage 5... Sorry I meant to press the number 4.. Big deal.. Yes chemo defo reduces tumours but at a huge cost... Apart from the all the many horridd side effects etc.. You will be lucky to survive the 5 years after chemo..unless you take lots of minerals, vitamins my mum did,, why do you think cancer parients get regular check ups for 5 years after chemo etc....most ..not all.. People are dead within the 5 years.. Or just beyond it.. Now I know,, doctor or not,, that that is a fact.. Keep on fighting folks,, but fight the proper way ,, the natural way.. The alternative way..Moonyen.. You were perfectly right on what you said above...sometimes you have to tell people how it is and not just flirt around situations just to keep them from listening.. Just look at the world without cancwer site.. Or better still go and buy philip days book.. Why we are dying to know the truth......
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

My mother Stage IV breast cancer and MS has just been cured with the cannabis oil gotten from Rick Simpson, cannabis oil is great medication. To hell with the government and their insane policy, we have a medication that is hundred percent assured to cure cancer and you don’t need to spend so much money on chemo anymore , radiation or surgeries that wouldn’t work hemp oil also cure diabetes . Where to purchase, contact Rick at: or call him on


JANEY KIRK answered
Emm  please listen to me..ALL CANCERS ARE THE SAME..stage 4 of any cancer in the body is not good, HOWEVER. If anyone with stage 1, 2, 3 4 or even 5 cancer wants to reverse the cancer progress then that is indeed POSSIBLE. I know this sounds crazy, but beleive me if the person with the cancer immediately starts to eat the right diet, take vital supplements and lots of lypo spheric vitamin c then their tumors can and would start going away, I have personally spoken to many used to be stage 4 cancer victims, some who were told they had 6 - 8 weeks to live, that was 8  years ago!!!please log onto www world without cancer and get educated NOW! Its not too late! But if you listen to your orthodox doctors and take the crappy chemo and radiation, you will surely either die of their affects as the chemo simply passes the cancer cells to the next lymph node and thats why this invasive treatment is a pure FAILURE. I must comment on the above,,Cancer does NOT grow or spread faster once the body has been opened up!!! This is just old wives tales, what actually happens is when a person first complains of a pain and that pain is due to cancer , Already the cancer is at an ADVANCED STAGE,,so when the docs open the person up the cancer would have spread exactly the same as if the person was left untouched, its just that because its probable so advanced the victim would definately have the same prognosis, its just that in the olden days they didnt know you had cancer until they opened you up, now days they can tell more readily by scans, ex rays thing for sure, if you want to die a harsh and painful death thru cancer, then take the chemo and radiotherapy route,,if on the other hand you want to live a healthy life,,then go the alternative way,,,look up the world without cancer site NOW...NOW,,,NOW,,,,NOW
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Stage 5 is dead, you moron!!
Anonymous commented
I am a stage 4 colon cancer survivor. I am still fighting, but I am alive and will continue to fight. You better do research before you start posting false info. Again, there is no stage 5. That is dead. And, the chemo is saving my life!!!
Anonymous commented
There's no such thing as Stage 5 cancer, so I take it you're not a doctor giving out free advice on the internet.
Jodi Something Profile
Jodi Something answered
Sorry it is not good pretty much a impossibility that it can be cure. Surgery is usually not an option. If someone is opened up for surgery and the air gets to the cancer the cancer will grow faster. So it is something that is usually avoided. There are medications to help you live longer and improve your quality of life but at stage 4 the amount of time a person has left is usually stated in day to months. I am sorry if you are asking this question because you know someone who has it or if it is yourself but I felt that if you asked the question you wanted the truth. The most important thing for this person is quality of life and pain control. So many times I see patents suffering because of the side affects of chem and can barely care for them self because how awful they feel. They might be staying alive longer but they are suffering. Quantity is not as important as quality. I hope this helps you out but remember I do not know the info that your doctor knows so only your doctor can tell you what to truly expect. I just stated the common outcome. Take care.
thanked the writer.
View all 4 Comments
Anonymous commented
Who are you? One never knows! My husband was told he had stage 4 colon cancer July 2001. He had radiation to shrink it and chemo . Has been off of chemo for 2years now. So you do the math!! He's doing very well! Has Ct scan pet scan blood work follow ups and he's doing good. Please don't give out crazy info like that!! There are survivors out there!!!! I agree with you Ryank. Some people. Wow I can't believe some of these people. Please don't discourage anyone . Keep the Hope !
Jose p
Jose p commented
Stop yelling at Jmeike1. She was just saying what the normal or usually is. You say you are cured but liver cancer can not be cured. All that can be done is to go into remission. Being so angry and yelling at someone is not good for you. It cause stress and stress is not good when you have cancer. Did you not see that she said usually. If you look up the survival percentage with stage 4 cancer it is very low. The 5 year survival rate is extremely low. You should never call people losers
Anonymous commented
I am a two year survivor of stage 4 colorectal cancer that metasticized (sp?) in my lung. I had the lung tumor successfully removed, underwent a year of chemo therapy, and I just got my results that I'm two years in remission. The last thing anyone should do is discourage someone like Jmeike did. We survivors live because we have hope, and because there are so many new treatments out there to make survival rates higher. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE told me I had days or months to live. Shame on you!

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