The onset is usually insidious; the person experiences a period of general fatigue, non specific illness, and morning stiffness and tenderness in some joints. The small joints of the hands or feet or the wrists, elbows or knees are generally the first to be involved. The disease develops symmetrically and it is progressive, the affected joints become swollen, painful, red and increasingly difficult to move. Their range of motion is reduced. The overlying skin may take on a stretched, smooth, glossy appearance.
Muscle weakness and spasm are common in the early stages and are frequently followed by marked muscular atrophy. Unless early treatment in instituted, progressive joint tissue destruction and deformities develop, leading to permanent disability. Partial dislocation (subluxation) and flexion contractures occur. Deformities commonly seen include hyper extension of the distal phalanges, flexion contracture or ulnar deviation of the fingers due to metacarpal phalangeal joint involvement and flexion contraction of the wrists, knees, and hips.
General constitutional disturbances are manifested; the patient looks ill; anorexia, loss of weight, fatigue, and depression may also develop. Low grade fever, tachycardia, anemia, and a mild Leucocytosis may also be present.
Muscle weakness and spasm are common in the early stages and are frequently followed by marked muscular atrophy. Unless early treatment in instituted, progressive joint tissue destruction and deformities develop, leading to permanent disability. Partial dislocation (subluxation) and flexion contractures occur. Deformities commonly seen include hyper extension of the distal phalanges, flexion contracture or ulnar deviation of the fingers due to metacarpal phalangeal joint involvement and flexion contraction of the wrists, knees, and hips.
General constitutional disturbances are manifested; the patient looks ill; anorexia, loss of weight, fatigue, and depression may also develop. Low grade fever, tachycardia, anemia, and a mild Leucocytosis may also be present.