
What Is The Normal Blood Pressure And Pulse Rate?


3 Answers

Shirley McLean Profile
Shirley McLean answered
Everyone has their own "normal" blood pressure and heart rate, but if at rest your heart rate is over say, 80...that would be high. And if your blood pressure is over 130-160 over 70-90; that would be high. The blood pressure consists of two things it tells your Dr.: The top number is called the systolic number, and reflects how difficult the blood is to get pushed through the arteries by the heart. So, in a way, it reflects the condition of the heart. The higher the number, the harder the heart is having to work. The bottom number is called the diastolic number and reflects the condition of the arteries in the body. The lower the number the better, because that means your blood vessels are very compliant (meaning no hardening of the arteries). So a blood pressure of 120/70 is super; a blood pressure of 190/70 means the heart's having a hard time squeezing blood out of it into the body, and a blood pressure of 120/100 means the heart's having no trouble, but the arteries in the body are getting sclerosed, or hardened, meaning "hardening of the arteries". A pulse of 90 at rest means the heart is trying very hard to get blood out into the body; a pulse of 70 at rest means everything is hunky-dorey, because the heart isn't working hard, and the pulse represents (probable) compliant arteries in the body. Blood pressure lesson for the day complete. Best wishes,
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
Typical rest rate for an adult is around 80 bpm, typical pressure is 120/80, but there can be quite wide variations depending on weight and fitness. Marathon runners can have rest rates below 40!

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