The only way to really find out is to go to a doctor and he will order blood work to see if your glucose count is high. You do not say why you might think you do but some of the symptoms of diabetes are excessive thirst, nausea and blurred vision if your levels are really high. You can check your symptoms on WebMD. I have a family member who has it. If it is diagnosed early enough it can be controlled by diet and medication in pill form. If that doesn't work then you have to learn to give yourself shots everyday. If you suspect that you have this disease please see a doctor. If you don't you could have very, very serious complications with all your major organs and it could be life threatening if left unchecked.
Well you need to check your blood sugar ,it is a blood test that you can do at your doctors office,or if you know some one who have sugar meter,but you have to be fasting you have to do the test first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything. If you go to the bathroom a lot,you have a dry mouth,and you feel week and dizzy these are some of the signes.good luck.
The surest way to know is to have your blood tested for diabetes. You can have this done at most clinics and hospitals. Another way is to have your urine tested. This is generally done to see the level of sugar in your urine and is mostly conducted in the morning. Diabetes has some subtle symptoms as well. These symptoms include extreme thirst, extreme hunger or hunger pangs, frequent need to urinate, smelly fesses, dry itchy skin, tiredness and drowsiness due to no apparent reason, cramps or tingling in the feet and hands, a loss in weight, vision disorders and pain in the feet. The problem is that most of these symptoms can be for related problems as well. The hunger can be a result of acidity etc and so it's best to be safe and get tested.