Why Can't I Get Rid Of The Bitter Taste In My Mouth? I Tried Everything....HELP!


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm not sure why this has happened to you guys--and to me--but I did find a 'fix' that works pretty well. Mine seems to "sit" on the back of my tongue--and it tastes EXACTLY like I put an aspirin on the back of my tongue, and it dissolved in my mouth!  Except that taste is there all the time--no matter what I eat--I kept drinking milk, antacids, etc--no help. You'd think sweets would make it go away but this makes it WORSE--no sweets! My dentist friend said brush your teeth extra good, then gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash. Wait a few minutes, then either dip your toothbrush in and brush the back of your tongue or swab it with cider vinegar (you can just put it in your mouth and gargle it around, too). It doesn't taste great, but to my amazement, it took away most (no all) of the bitter taste. And now it's the next day, and it's still not as bad as before. Worth a try...
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Tried ur method worked great... First day after trying ur method taste is almost gone now . When does it all disappear ?
Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
There can be many reasons for this salty taste in your mouth. A few examples are;
Side effect of certain medications
Salivary gland diseases
Post-nasal drainage

You need proper medical check up so that your disease can be diagnosed. Also visit the following link to get more information of your question.
Salty Taste
Big Hearted Profile
Big Hearted answered
I would also suggest getting your blood sugar levels test. I am diabetic type 1 and I notice that when my blood sugars run high I get a bad taste in my mouth also
vanessa Angel Profile
vanessa Angel answered
It can be your stomach. Gases come up through your mouth. Try to see a doctor for it good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same thing! I am online looking for answers. I have had pine nuts every day this week. I hope that's all it is.
martha Profile
martha answered
after trying all that you have tried, you may need to see a dentist to make sure you do not have an issue with a tooth.  I know some drug stores have these little hard candy like things that help to increase moisture in the mouth.  I have found orbit gum has helped me.  God bless.
thanked the writer.
Dizzy Di
Dizzy Di commented
Thank you to all!
I do visit the dentist regularly, so I do not think that is it.
I do not think that I have acid reflux, but I will definitely go to the dentist or the doc. Thanks again, you guys are great!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have allergies and also will have a bitter taste in my mouth for days.  I take an antihistimine from my doctor To help with my allergies and this will help take away the bad taste.  Good luck.
thanked the writer.
Dizzy Di
Dizzy Di commented
Thank you!
It has been 5 days, still bitter as ever!
Went to the dentist, nothing wrong.
Called my doc and he put me on Zantac for acid reflux.
I feel helpless.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I recently noticed the same thing...bitter taste on the back of my tongue.  After reading many posts online, I have connected it to eating pine nuts (of all things!).  I had a handful a few days ago, and noticed the bitter taste when I ate them, but thought nothing of it.  The last couple of days I have noticed a bitter taste on the back of my tongue.  Brushing my tongue, drinking lots of water, eating whatever -- it still tasted bitter afterward.  Last night I gargled with a 50/50 mix of water and peroxide.  I did this twice.  This seemed to help somewhat.  I will do it again today.  I also read that it should go away after a few days.  Others posted that there could be something more serious wrong, so consult your dentist or doctor for treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I got that too right now. It's only a slight bitter taste that I can taste when I'm eating something or for a while after I eat something.
I didn't eat breakfast or lunch today, I'm thinking having a lot of acid in my stomach right now might have something to do with it.
Another site said that it can be caused upper Gastrointestinal problems, by a virus infection or by a pancreas problem.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey, I bet you had ate pine nuts recently Its a medical condition called metal/metalic mouth.
Google it and you will see for your self.It goes away naturally, 1 to 2 weeks
hope that helps XXX
Shandi Williams Profile
Shandi Williams answered
GodlovesU has a good point. A decaying tooth can definitely leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth, but also it could be a problem originating from your stomach. For example, acid reflux, even if you do not suffer from any symptoms, or if you tend to over eat. Also if you have intestinal problems, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Hope this helps.

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