Herpes is a sexual disease that is contracted during sexual acts. About one in every six people has herpes and it could cause a lot of other problems for people including blisters, pain, itching, discharge, dysuria, and swollen inguinal lymph nodes.
All of these are problems associated with the disease but a bloated stomach isn't. However stress is known to cause a number of stress related stomach issues including irritable bowel syndrome which would certainly be a cause of the stomach bloating.
Stress can also lead to stomach ulcers in that area which could be attributed to the body being under attack from the virus. There is also the chance that the medicines that you take to get rid of the problem are causing issues with your stomach and hence are the cause of the bloating you feel.
Herpes is a STI that is very common; there are two different types of the disease which have different problems associated with them.
If you do think you have Herpes it is best to immediately contact your medical professional and ensure that you get the appropriate treatments. If you have sex with numerous people you greatly increase your chances of getting the disease and so should always have protected sex in case you contract it.
So to finish it is unlikely this is the cause of bloating though Herpes may have triggered something else. The best thing to do is to look into what you're eating and anything that has changed to determine what the issue is.