
What Is Clavicle Cancer?


2 Answers

Frances Bott Profile
Frances Bott answered
The clavicle is also known as the collar bone, so clavicle cancer is cancer of the collar bone. Bone cancer can either be primary or secondary; if it is primary then that is where the cancer has started; if it is secondary, it means that the cancer has spread from an organ to the bones. The symptoms of primary bone cancer can include:

• Tenderness or pain
This will be around the site of the tumor and could start off as an ache that does not go away. Exercise is likely to make the pain worse, as could times of relaxation because this is when the muscles are also relaxed. It has been known for this symptom to be dismissed as growing pains in children, or as a sprain.

• Swelling
Swelling is a symptom of bone cancer but it may not actually become apparent until the tumor is quite big, and maybe not at all if the bone is within deep tissue.

• Reduced movements
If the tumor is situated near a joint, it can inhibit movement of the entire limb, for example, if it is a leg bone that has the cancer the person affected may develop a limp. A tumor on the spine can affect nerves which may cause numbness, tingling or weakness in limbs.

• Broken bones
Sometimes diagnosis of bone cancer is only made after a bone has been broken because it is weaker than it should because of the cancer.

• General symptoms
These can include fatigue, high temperatures, fever and sweats, and weight loss, but it must be said that any of these symptoms can be as a result of something else entirely. Anyone that suffers from pains in their bones for any length of time should consult their doctor.

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