
What Is Metastatic Liver Cancer?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
About treatment of cancer!  No matter who you talk to or who you read on- line, there is one thing that will remain constant about any cancer.
1) It ferments glucose and cannot burn it using oxygen.
2) Due to this process is acidic  (lactic acid)

World research indicates that any substance that inhibit fermentation will inhibit cancer, any substance that lowers blood sugars will inhibit cancer,  and substance that is pro-oxidant will inhibit cancer. (in vitro, in animals, in clinical comparisons) This was a logical prediction anywhy that these substances will have some measure of efficacy, but it is nice to have clinical and laboratory evidence to support that which is logical.

There is a reason why ozone and peroxide have been around for decades,...there is a reason alkaline therapies are not going away, there is a reason the horrific death rates stopped climbing and reversed in every country on the planet just in last 3 years.

So although the situation would seem hopeless,...there is hope. Studies show that combining alkaline and oxygen therapies will reverse many cancers, will support chemo therapy.

Besides, attacking a disease by how it eats and how it breaths is just plain logical, novel, simple approach.

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