You may have a gastric problem or some other problem on your spine and back. Read the following article to know more about how to relieve your lower back pain
I have been having pain on the left side of my stomach, it is close to my belly button it is getting bad. What could be the cause....It hurts to move & push on that area..
When I feel that, I usually pulled something in my back. Or if I do to many sit ups I will get a side ache which will cause a pain in my back, but you can get a side ache from doing to much of any exercise. Ice should help. I hope that helps
I have pain on my lower far left side below my belly button and I am female. I have not hurt myself with lifting nor playing any sports. I am going on 4 weeks with this pain. It hurst when I bend down or getting up from bending down. It does not run through my back nor my leg. I never had this pain before and now it also hurst when I am sitting at my desk and lean forward to reach something as well? What could this be? I am able to make an appointment for tomorrow,
If you're a female, it could be ovarian cancer. Or, it could even be one of many STD's.
STD's (like syphilis for example) will often spread to parts of your body like your uterus, liver, back, or ovaries.
Please see you're doctor ASAP.
STD's (like syphilis for example) will often spread to parts of your body like your uterus, liver, back, or ovaries.
Please see you're doctor ASAP.
A baby!
Most likely your appendix (small part of the digstive track), it sometimes swells up and might even burts.