I don't have the answer but I would also like to know. I have a 5mm subtle noncalcified nodule in my left lung. The roof at work has been leaking for years and the water comes down the wall of the office across from me. I am now told to wait a year to see if the nodule grows.
Yes it can!! I am a mold victim and lived in mold for 5 yrs. I was in and out of hospitals and ER's at least 4 tmes a month. Now being in a nice clean mold free home for 2 yrs I have yet to see a ER or hospital. I do have very bad breathing problems but that is due to havng my right lung stop working thanks to mold and a slumlord who I am now sueing. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee go to these sites... www.myspace.com and simplysharonspeaksmold.blogspot.com there is also a site from the Mold Society that has archives from last years internet radio shows. All MOLD info