
What Causes Severe Pain In Left Breast?


9 Answers

Cormac Reynolds Profile
Cormac Reynolds answered
The cause for your breast pain could be any number of things so you really need to see your doctor, not only will this help eliminate some of the things that are probably worrying you, but you will be able to get some advice and  help to make it stop.

Breast pain, also known as mastalgia, is a common complaint for women with up to 70 per cent experiencing it at some time. Often it can be related to the menstrual cycle and tends to be more intense during the week before menstruation, often easing after the period. Some women, though, can suffer throughout their whole menstrual cycle with little let up which can have a hugely detrimental effect upon their daily lives.

Breast pain is only rarely a sign of breast cancer. If you suffer from breast pain that is localized to one particular spot, you should see a doctor so malignancy can be ruled out, but only two to seven per cent of women with this type of pain have breast cancer, and in fact non-cyclic breast pain is only rarely associated with any identifiable cause such as breast cysts, breast trauma, previous breast surgery or benign conditions such as fibro adenomas.

There is another theory that breast pain may be related to an imbalance of fatty acids within the cells that can affect the sensitivity of breast tissue. It is this thinking that underlies taking remedies such as Oil of Evening Primrose capsules because they contain GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) which is a type of fatty acid so they restore the balance and make breast tissue less sensitive to circulating hormone levels.

Some medications are also responsible for breast pain, such as some anti-depressants, and hormonal medications used in fertility treatments. If you need these medications and are suffering from breast pain, you should discuss the matter with your doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a burning sharp pain in my Left brest and it been there for like 7 month
thanked the writer.
Joan commented
If you have been in pain for 7 months that is 7 months too long. You need to see a doctor so that it can be determined what is wrong. It is obvious if this has been going on for this long a period of time that it is not going away by itself. Why suffer? This could be something very serious or it could be something easily corrected. You need to know which it is. I know it is scary but you will gain nothing at all by waiting and you could be making things worse by not getting diagnosed.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A sharp pain below the left breast could be a number of things. The first thing you need to know is if you have been sick and coughing that will definitely cause sharp pains in a numerous amount of place concerning your lungs which means anywhere can hurt. But my best advice go to the doctor and get a more definitive answer. Having x-rays and possibly some blood work especially if you have been sick is a good way to get the answers you need.
Joan Profile
Joan answered
The pain can be caused by several things. I would suggest that you go to the emergency room of the hospital right away. Please don't put this off. It could be life threatening. Your body uses pain as a danger signal and your body is screaming - HELP. Go now.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You could be having liver problems. Certain foods at times will aggravate the liver and cause pain as it tries to breakdown everything for use in the body. The gallbladder is also in that area and could also be having spasms. If pain persists I would go to doctor and request ultrasounds of the area to see if both organs look good.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Gall bladder is on right side. I have experienced horrible pain on left side under rib cage for over 3 years now and ct's indicate enlarged tail of pancreas. At this point I do not know why but a dr told me that on the left side it would be either colon, pancreas, or spleen causing pain in that area. I see your post isn't recent, did you ever find out what is going on?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, if you fall down the stairs and you land on your breast, you will get pain. Also if you get hit, too. But, get yourself checked. Just in case you have breast cancer!!! :(
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Considerin it been 7 months I would hardly insist upon rushin to A&E :s
your not going to look to fit wif 1 tit tho so shud prob stop bein lazy drag urself of ere n go docs :D
Mati green Profile
Mati green answered
It sounds exactly like I was when I broke 2 ribs. Have you fallen recently? It doesn't take much to break a rib, and you could have done it and didn't know it. Find out as soon as you can if you're pregnant then get the x-rays. My ribs were such tiny hairline fractures that it barely showed up on the x-ray. It took close to 3 months for the pain to ease up. Good luck hon.

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