
Why Magic Johnson Has Survived With Hiv For So Long?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Magic is still around because he has the money and the connections needed to obtain the cure from private government funded medical institutions, and you know there is one, they just don't want you to know and I will tell you why.
.A cure for Hiv/Aids hasn't been released to the public because (1) the government see's Hiv/Aids as a form of  (population control) and help's get ride of ppl who they Dem as immoral ie. (Gay,homosexuals) etc etc. (2) Healthcare and pharmaceutical drugs are the largest money making business in America, Which is the reason why we don't have a universal healthcare system, they would lose billions of dollars a year if we had one. This also is the major reason why the United States the most powerful and technological country  on earth hasn't cured a major disease since polio back in the early 40's and 50's. Which is when they learned that the money wasn't in the curing of a disease but in the treatment of the disease, Which is why a simple chemotherapy treatment for cancer can cost $80k+.
(3) Because of the nature of the virus and how it's transmitted from one person to another it isn't considered to much of a threat to the general population in America now, unlike polio which was considered plaque like at the time which killed indiscriminately black white gay straight rich or poor, if you got it you were dead or crippled for life, so something had to be done and thus the first and last major cure for a disease was found, oddly enough as we were told by our government on a piece of moldy bread that a medical scientist had left out of his lunch which started to develop mold and then for some unknown reason he decided to analyze it and thus discovered penicillin, sure I believe that story.  There will never be a cure for any major diseases in this Country unless it reaches a point where the majority of the populous could be infected in a short amount of time. Hence it would have to be as Easley contracted as the common cold and kill in a matter of days before a cure will be released to the public.
So don't get sick.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He has been taking what is called the cocktail which boosts the immune system preventing hiv turning to aids
Billy Price Profile
Billy Price answered
I don't have the answer to that, but that is a great question. I was just talking about that the other day and wondering the same thing. Millions of other people have died since he was diagnosed, but yet he's still alive and kicking.

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