
Will I Die From Hiv?


3 Answers

MYA Profile
MYA answered
Just to encourage you a family member has this condition and she beats it by doing what she never has done like continuing doing the things she has already plan. You can out live your siblings,your mother,father and those that are sitting around waiting for you to die. So embrace it and keep it moving. Live life to the fullness and continue in what you were doing before you found out about this.
Bailey  Richardson Profile
If you have the diesese technically no hiv progresses to aids which comprimises your immune system which means you could die from a cold but not the aids
Kristi W Profile
Kristi W answered
Eventually...yes, because as of now there is no cure, just help
thanked the writer.
Kristi W
Kristi W commented
I guess the truth hurts...there is no cure for aids and eventually the hiv will turn to aids because their ammune system is already weak.......they can get sick quick...but there is good help out there for people to live longer and healthier with hiv

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