
I Have An Itchy Scalp With Little Red Bumps And I Don't Know What Has Caused It. What Could Be The Cause Of This. Lack Of A Certain Vitamin Or A Disease That I Haven't Been Diagnosed With?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem. Its at each side of my head and at the back of my head too also going down behind my ears. My gran told me to use cider vinegar so my mum has been putting it on my head twice a day morning and night. Morning leave it on for about min's and wash off with head and shoulders shampoo and then at night put it on and leave it on.
So far its really made a differance go for the natural way first its tue what the say mums and grans always no best try it out your self good luck I will let you know how it go's Lizzy b
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You may be allergic to dust mites. They are
microscopic organisms found in every household
no matter how clean your home is.
Try washing your bed sheets and pillowcases in
hot water at least once per week. Also, buy
some hypoallergenic pillow covers. They're very
inexpensive and can be found at Wal-Mart.

Try researching dust mite allergies and see if it fits your symptoms.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had the same thing it seems like I woke up took a shower blow dryed and styled my hair and then my scalp got kinda itchy so I went and lifted up my bangs and there where red spots that kinda looked like they were bleeding I got really worried so I actually booked an appointment with my hairstylist and she told me not to worry. It may be caused by stressed and lack of omega 3 in your diet which I had stress and I was lacking the omega 3. Hopefully this is some help I would defiantly get your hair dresser to take a look at it though :)
Julia Rachels Profile
Julia Rachels answered

Itchy scalp will lead to dandruff. Try to apply Lemon juice for your dry scalp.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem too, but I don't really have that much dandruff, ive just lately noticed two crusty red spots on my head which had started to bleed, and I poked at them and dandruff just started to come out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I would just like to say that the person who commented prior to this message makes no sense. They sound like someone that is trying to sound somewhat intelligent, but in turn sounds like a total ass. I think the majority of people know what dandruff is and I highly doubt that is what is causing the red, itchy bumps. It is most likely an issue such as head lice, or scalp irritation due to extra oily hair, etc. I think the person who left the last message was really insulting with their assumptions that you don't take care of a serious dandruff problem. I think if you had dandruff, then you would know what the problem is and you would not be spending your time writing and asking what the problem is. The last person who wrote should not be so rude when they have no idea what they are talking about. Also, you can look up tests to do at home before diagnosing yourself with lice. (ex. Rub your hands through your scalp over a white surface and see if little dark colored specs fall out.) See a doctor if problem continues. Good luck. :0)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This website is an excellent example of the blind leading the blind.  Correct diagnoses need to be made by medical professionals.  Anecdotal accounts by individuals cannot be expected to be much help for people suffering from symptoms that could be caused by any variety of things.  Unfortunately, the cost of medical care and the lack of any comprehensive health care system contributes to people seeking answers from fellow sufferers on the web sites such as this one.
Muhammad Ali Profile
Muhammad Ali answered
Your question is very important and many people face this problem. In fact, the symptoms you've mentioned are indicating 2 things. First thing is that which you've mentioned by yourself. It is due to some lack of proper food and lack of proper vitamins. And another reason is the dandruff in your hairs. You don't care about yourself and about dandruff very much. And because of this, you've got this problem.

Itching is the most common problem which can occur due to dandruff in your hairs. Therefore you need to be careful about it. Many people stop washing their hair when they get dandruff because they think that it will increase it. The proper treatment for dandruff is to start using anti-dandruff shampoos and other stuff like this. it will not cure the problem completely but you can control it. Another best thing to do is to shave your head. That will be helpful in controlling you problem. You can also consult some skin specialist for it as well.
I hope you've got the reason of your problem. Now you can think about it seriously. You must also see some good health advices about this problem of yours.

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