With me I got real lucky I did not blead 24 hours, They only left my right ovary that was the only thing that was not srewed up and my recovery was only about 2 weeks. They went through my belly button except cervix that was vaginal. Thing will get better I went through hell … Read more
I was told I have PTSD, Major Depression, Anxiety, Bi-Polar, fear of being near a lot of ppl, fear of being outside fear of the car. basically what am I not afraid of besides myself. basically I am as screwed up as they come. I have tried both medication and I have tried the hypnosis as well … Read more
If it is just you and her why not??? I am sure if you asked her for something she would me glad to help you out good ki
God this just happened to mw about a month ago, and what it was I was low on my potassium in my body and retraining to much water. have hime get his potassium checked along with diabetes panel, and liver function. good luck hope this helps.
I wish I could relive my youth all over again. This is a special time in your life and you should not have to grow up to soon. The best thing I could do is say think long and hard before you do anything, my mom always told me that growing up was painful and … Read more
I have bi-polar, major depression, PTSD, anixety, panic disorders i have more but cant like of them all right now. I have Kaiser Insurance and boy let me tell you they had me so screwed up with all the medications they had me on they actually made me worse, so what i did was fouse … Read more
When I had my hysterectomy the only thing that came through the vaginal opening was my cervix which was sawn closed and the rest was done through the belly button, I think I bled about 22 hours coughing and laughing are the worst and sneezed are still bad 3 years later but let me tell … Read more
Hello there.
A vet once told me that you can always make ice cubes out of pedilite and give you pet stage 2 baby food ham veal chicken. GIVE IT A TRY can't HURT

I almost died with a cat scan because they needed to due the dye and it is an iodine base and I am allergic to iodine so I have to take prednisone starting 13 hours before the test and then I have to take Benadryl. My doctor told me that ct scan and MRI are … Read more
Hello sand. I had my gall bladder removes 9 years ago and I have learned a lot and have changes a lot also.
Every time I ate food would get stuck right between my ribs between my boobs and I could not figure it our so I went to the doctor and they said … Read more
you are going to find this hard to beleive but you might want to sit down for this one. These are one of the reasons I am on disability.
I have agraphobia of telephone, mail box, front door
I have a fear of answering the phone not knowing what is on the other … Read more
you are going to find this hard to beleive but you might want to sit down for this one. These are one of the reasons I am on disability.
I have agraphobia of telephone, mail box, front door
I have a fear of answering the phone not knowing what is on the other … Read more
What you described sounds like flee bites, I was and unlucky person I had them twice. Once at the of 6 and then again at the age of 16 and it was the worst thing ever. I had the best way to describe them were like blisters everywhere, private area eye lids you name it … Read more
I had what I call my for better or worse 3 years ago and am so glad I did. It took 6 years to long but now it the best thing I did. I still have some days that are not good crying and wanting to hurt someone but that goes by fast. I had … Read more
If you need to ask the question, and that he will not help you at all but you have to do everything then that should tell you what to do. If he has no job why buy a house you alone would have to pay for, make sure his name is not on it, I … Read more
The last thing you want to do is let your wife do that. You need everything sterile and clean, I sure a doctor will do it out patient just like vasectomys. And in case of emergency and there is bleeding they will be well equipped to handle it and if you are a good boy … Read more
First of all I don't think it should be anywhere that would cause you to get that, don't you think so? You might look real strange getting something over the counter because there is only one way to get it and I would truly be embarrassed. That is something truly private and less likely to … Read more
How long has the dog been this way? May I ask why you have not went already? Did the dog get into a fight? There are many questions to ask but If I was in your spot I could not get there fast enough, Please let me know how the baby is doing and I … Read more
I hope I can offer some help. I was pretty angry a couple of years ago, and I was that way to my husband, except I would do real hurtful things to him lock him out and I wish he was dead but then he put me in counseling and after about 1000 test of … Read more