
How Do You Treat Mercer Staph Infection?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Treating a MRSA - Mercer infection is more than just taking a few antibiotics and bactraban cream. Once you are infected with this bacteria it continues to life on and in your system, it will mutate into L-form bacteria that is hard for your body to find and fight, then when things within your system are right for this bacteria it mutates back into MRSA and causes a re-infection in the form of boils, styes. The immune system and your body's PH balance is one of the biggest factors when fighting of infections and reinfections from this bacteria. Using natural antibiotics that boost your immune system is better then man made antibiotics that attack your natural fighting system. You need a PH that is on the alkaline side to help prohibit bacteria growth. A acidic PH  is loved by fungus, bacteria and cancers. Alli-c is a immune booster that works.For more information concerning MRSA treatments Please visit this very helpful information site.MRSA Treatments
Dana Jones Profile
Dana Jones answered
MRSA(methelcyiln resistant staphacaccus araus..sp?) first if diagnosed your Dr. should put you on an antibiotic that is not pennicilin based....also you should get a script for bactraban'll put this around the inside of your nose 3xs a day for 10 days....all sheets,towles and clothes should be washed in bleach or color safe bleach...and all beds sprayed with lysole....also they have a body wash at your locaol pharmacy...hibiclens...use that every shower,entire body...for 3 days....hope that help:)
Richard Marsden Profile
Richard Marsden answered
Staphylococcus infections are treatable by antibiotics. Health professionals can determine whether the infection is a staphylococcus by taking a swab from the infected area of the skin. Antibiotics are then prescribed, usually consisting of either pills or creams applied to the infected body part.

But there's been a gradual change as to how well this medication works. Most staphylococcus infections used to be treatable with penicillin. But in the 1980s stronger antibiotics began to be used. However, in about half of all cases, there is resistance even to stronger antiboitics. If the infection goes so deep that it affects muscles or fiber that enclose muscles, it needs to be surgically cleaned.

If the problem is merely a boil, it will take about 10 to 20 days to heal without treatment. To help relieve pain of a skin infection, soak the skin in warm water. Alternatively, apply a heating pad or a hot water bottle to the skin for about 20 minutes, three or four times a day. Pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help reduce pain until the infection subsides.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My son has contracted mercer infection while in  jail. He has seen a nurse which refuses to
admit that it is mercer. The do not want the health department involved. He is not receiving
the proper treatment, he has 17 lesions on his body. These lesions are very painful.
He told me he has lost felling in his foot. I am worried that left untreated it is possible he might die.
Bobby Rodgers Profile
Bobby Rodgers answered
I was treated for staph in my elbow severals months ago. The area became swollen and firm, almost hard. My family doctor did a byopse and the results came back that it was just immflamation. Since it was opened up, it has begun to ooze with slight pressure or during a hot shower and the opening has became red and swollen also. It began as only one knot and now has become several smaller ones around the larger one. What specialist should I see or what treatment is recommended. My family doctor said to just leave it alone, but it grows. When I put pressure on it, where the byopse was done, fluid expels but will again build up.
ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
It is not mercer infection, it is called MRSA infection due to staphylococcus bacterium which is a resistant strain. To treat this infection firstly surgically remove the abscess and than take proper antibiotic. Your baby is on risk of developing internal MRSA infections if he inhale the bacteria. The incubation period of MRSA is 2-3 days.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a Mercer infection and I work with the public( I'm a cashier) Can I still go to work? If not when can I return to work?


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