As with all chest and back pain, it is essential that you get this checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. There are many different causes of pain and a medical opinion is the only way of ensuring you get an accurate diagnosis and therefore correct treatment. This will allow you to exclude the possibility of serious problems such as lung or heart disease.
Pain, especially sharp or aching pain, often spreads and feels as though it is affecting other parts of the body. The type of pain and other symptoms are an important factor in diagnosis, and so it is useful to write down a list of any possible differences in your body, as this will help the doctor with their diagnosis.
Possible other symptoms to look out for could include; unpleasant taste in the mouth and loss of appetite, this could be heartburn; burning abdominal pain and vomiting, this could be Gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is basically food leaking backwards from the stomach; high blood pressure and nausea, this could be angina; abnormal heart-beat, this could point to a number of heart complaints. On the other hand, this pain could be traced to the back (rather than the chest) and could be anything from a slipped disc to muscle strain.
As this could be a symptom for a number of problems, the only way to be certain is to visit your doctor so that the right diagnosis is made.
It could be referred pain, which means that it is pain that is coming from other sources. Examples may include the oesophagus, the stomach, the pancreas, the diaphragm, the heart or the lungs.
The most common cause for this type of pain is to do with the gallbladder, also called biliary colic. This will create either a steady or an intermittent ache in the upper abdomen, usually under the right breast. This discomfort can spread backwards, underneath the right shoulder blade.
Bile, which helps to digest fats and is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder, normally passes from the gallbladder through the cystic duct and the common bile duct into the small intestine. If a gallstone blocks either of these ducts, the flow is interrupted and the muscles in the bile duct contract in an attempt to move the stone. This is what causes the pain, and many people also experience nausea and vomiting.
Another diagnosis could be that eating large meals and fatty foods can offer trigger pain.
Your doctor will examine you, and if they suspect that you have gallstones, you will be sent for an ultrasound scan. This is a totally painless procedure and will provide images of your gallbladder so that it can be assessed for stones. You may also have to have some blood tests.
Initially, you will be instructed to consume a fat-free diet, and will receive painkillers to be taken when necessary. If the biliary colic is persistent, you may need to have surgery. These days, this is done by using an instrument called a laparoscope, making tiny incisions, and is a routine procedure.
Pain, especially sharp or aching pain, often spreads and feels as though it is affecting other parts of the body. The type of pain and other symptoms are an important factor in diagnosis, and so it is useful to write down a list of any possible differences in your body, as this will help the doctor with their diagnosis.
Possible other symptoms to look out for could include; unpleasant taste in the mouth and loss of appetite, this could be heartburn; burning abdominal pain and vomiting, this could be Gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is basically food leaking backwards from the stomach; high blood pressure and nausea, this could be angina; abnormal heart-beat, this could point to a number of heart complaints. On the other hand, this pain could be traced to the back (rather than the chest) and could be anything from a slipped disc to muscle strain.
As this could be a symptom for a number of problems, the only way to be certain is to visit your doctor so that the right diagnosis is made.
It could be referred pain, which means that it is pain that is coming from other sources. Examples may include the oesophagus, the stomach, the pancreas, the diaphragm, the heart or the lungs.
The most common cause for this type of pain is to do with the gallbladder, also called biliary colic. This will create either a steady or an intermittent ache in the upper abdomen, usually under the right breast. This discomfort can spread backwards, underneath the right shoulder blade.
Bile, which helps to digest fats and is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder, normally passes from the gallbladder through the cystic duct and the common bile duct into the small intestine. If a gallstone blocks either of these ducts, the flow is interrupted and the muscles in the bile duct contract in an attempt to move the stone. This is what causes the pain, and many people also experience nausea and vomiting.
Another diagnosis could be that eating large meals and fatty foods can offer trigger pain.
Your doctor will examine you, and if they suspect that you have gallstones, you will be sent for an ultrasound scan. This is a totally painless procedure and will provide images of your gallbladder so that it can be assessed for stones. You may also have to have some blood tests.
Initially, you will be instructed to consume a fat-free diet, and will receive painkillers to be taken when necessary. If the biliary colic is persistent, you may need to have surgery. These days, this is done by using an instrument called a laparoscope, making tiny incisions, and is a routine procedure.