
Why Do I Have Lower Abdominal Pain After A Hysterectomy?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I AM HAVING LOW BACK PAIN, ABDOMINAL PAIN, HAD HYSTerectomy IN 1995.  Still have ovaries.  Could this be related to hormonal changes but the pain is like I am ovulating like I did when I had cycles.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I my ovaries removed exactly 6 weeks ago, and I was doing fine until my 5th week. Now my lower right abdomen has been constantly hurting. It is a sharp pain and then it stops until I try to turn. Could this just be muscle from not using it?
Robyn Rothman Profile
Robyn Rothman answered
How long ago was the hysterectomy? It could also depend on the type of incision you had. I know I was in pain for a while after mine, but since you didn't say when you had the surgery, there's no way to tell you if the pain is to be expected.

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