
High Triglycerides Increase The Risk For Which One Of The Following Conditions? A.type 2 Diabetes B.heart Disease C.thyroid Disease D.osteoporosis


2 Answers

Kathleen Gerundio Profile
When I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes my blood sugar was in the 400 and my triglycerides were 1200. My doctor called my home and had me go to the hospital and once I got my blood sugar down to the 200 and stayed on my medicine for 3 months my trig.. Was down to 500 and my a1c had dropped from 15 to 8.1 My doctor was afraid that I was going to have a stroke. It really depends how high. But it is not good for your heart.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
High Triglycerides Increase The Risk For Which One Of The Following Conditions? A.type 2 Diabetes B.heart Disease C.thyroid Disease D.osteoporosis

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