Can Fibromyalgia Turn Into Ms?


4 Answers

Debbie Simerly Profile
Debbie Simerly answered
Multiple Sclerosis is an incurable, chronic, NEUROLOGIC illness.  It is not related to fibro.  I don't know what type of MS testing you have had, but to put your mind to rest, talk with your primary care physician and request a referral to a neurologist that specializes in MS.  Most neuros won't see you without a referral.  There are some basic tests they can perform to give an MS diagnosis.  They will do an MRI of your brain & neck looking for lesions and plaque, an evoked potentials test (this is done as an out-patient at the hospital usually), and last but not least a spinal tap to see if your spinal fluid is clear.  As a general rule, they want 2 of these 3 tests to be positive to get an MS diagnosis.  As for the vision problems, call a Opthamologist (medical eye doctor) to be examined for optic neuritis.  This is common in MS, they can even tell you if you have had problems with it in the past, because it leaves scaring and affects your optic nerve.  I hope you don't have MS, I've been living with the dreaded illness for 12 yrs, but I do know, not knowing is hard to deal with.  Good luck and the good news is, they will do the less invasive tests first; eye exam, MRI, evoked potentials before doing a lumbar puncture (spinal tap).  If the first tests come back negative, they won't usually put a patient through a spinal tap because of the risks and pain involved.
ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
The Fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis are two different problems. Usually the Fibromyalgia is misdiagnosed with MS because of similarities of few symptoms in both the diseases. So I advise you to ask your doctor to perform certain neurological tests to diagnose MS. I am giving you a link which can provide you information on both diseases and it also tell you the differential diagnosis. Please visit Fibromyalgia and MS.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't think it can. But I have read some research that it is an off branch of ms, because the symptoms are so much alike. I have fibro too jillmidl

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