I have exactly the same pain, with swollen stomach, very bad wind, acid gut, pain, at first I thought it was period pain, it gets right under my right rib as well. I have had a scan and no sign of gallbladder probs/stones..I was told have had loads of wind in right bowl, which probably is Irritable bowel syndrome, I have been taking good bacteria tablets and they have helped a lot
I'm Having Discomfort, Kind Of Like A Dull Achy Feeling In My Lower Right Abdomen Below My Rib Cage, Also Have Problems With Heartburn, Indigestion. Also I Had Diarrhea Today. Could This Be My Gallbladder?
Sounds like gallbladder to me. I had mine out 23 years ago after suffering from acute attacks right after the birth of my daughter... Happens often after pregnancy. You should definitely go to a doctor. Warning: Everyone that I know who has had their gallbladder out has had numerous problems.