I Have HPV, I Had Leep Procedure, I Had Normal Pap Smears Afterwards, And Now I Have An Abnormal One Again. Can I Ever Get Rid Of HPV Virus? Or Does It Mean I Will Die At Early Age?


3 Answers

Jeannine almeida Profile
Abnormal pap smears can happen for many reasons.  Some as simple as intercourse too shortly before the pap is done.  Having HPV is not a death sentence.  Many people have it, and it is not necessarily the cause of their death.  Have you gone back for a second pap smear since the most recent abnormal?  If not, you need to go back in 6 months.  My Dr required that I had 1 done every 6 months until I got 2 good one's in a row.  Go search websites like Web MD and read up on the causes of abnormal pap smears.  I am not discounting the fact that HPV could cause it, but please for your own sanity, and I know from experience that STD's can be scary, read up on it.  Do your research, do not wait for the Dr to talk to you about it.  Go to him with unanswered questions, or even to validate information that you have read.  Gaining knowledge regarding your problem will help you understand, cope, and relax.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thank you for your reply, J-9, I actually had a cupolscopy done as soon as I learned about my abnormal test.  When I had LEEP two years ago, I had three normal pap smears in a row.  Now I have an abnormal one again, thanks to HPV being back.  I wonder if I have another surgery now, would I have to have them until the rest of my life? I'm scared that I won't be fertile one day when I'm ready to have a baby.... 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No you will not necessarily die at an early age, you are just at more risk for cervical cancer. There is no way to get rid of it, It's the "forever virus", similar to HIV, once is is acquired, it is forever.

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