
Where Is A Photo Of The Special Fried Rice Disease?


2 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
If you really want to see a picture of the supposed "special fried rice disease" and, it really isn't pretty, you can unfortunately find it with ease by searching "special fried rice disease" on the image section of a search engine like Google. The special fried rice disease, as it has been dubbed, is said to make your penis look like it has been dipped in special fried rice. Surely lovely images have sprung to mind from this, so proceed to search for the image on your head be it. Make sure you have a strong stomach.

The special friend rice trend is compared to the female equivalent which is the blue waffle. There are images and videos of this 'disease' that went viral and got shared between people online. If you want to see images of the special fried rice disease or even blue waffle, you only really need to ask a friend. But don't be surprised if they see you as odd for asking such a request!

If you find yourself with any interesting looking things on your genitals, especially after unprotected sex, you need to visit a sex health place as soon as you can. If you've had unprotected sex alone, you ought to visit a doctor to ensure that you haven't got any STIs from the intercourse. Sexually Transmitted Infections can also go undetected with no symptoms, but they can lead to you either not being able to produce proper sperm or just unable to conceive.

Your sexual health is something that you need to take great care of, in regards to your future. People spend so much money and invest in so much heart break because they find themselves unable to have children and instead have to pay for IVF treatment which isn't always successful.

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